Friday, October 1, 2010

Enjoying Home

Aubrey especially enjoys taking her hair bows out and the end result is beautiful messy hair...
Aubrey and daddy climbing through the tunnel... CHEESE!!!
Aubrey thought it was hilarious to crawl up Evan and get through...
Aubrey is becoming good friends with a neighbor two doors down and he lent Aubs this race car for the day. I think you can imagine the squeals of laughter and the conversations that came out of the afternoon of fun... VROOM VROOM!!
We wake up and want to color... we eat and want to color... we play and then want to color...
Aubrey helping daddy fix her remote control car...
ISN'T SHE BEAUTIFUL!! My daughter LOVES sunglasses and her footy-pajamas!
The only problem with her pj's is that we put her to bed in them and when we go to get her in the morning she has them off and laying on the floor. She then proceeds to say Aubrey zip jammies... off.
I am so happy to be home with Aubrey! She is growing so much each day and it is unbelievable to watch the changes take place. We thought it was amazing when she finally began naming objects and started using words to express things to us. Aubrey is now talking in 3 to 4 word sentences and her personality it becoming bigger everyday!
I approached the fall wondering what we would do with our time during the week. but the Lord has provided so many great opportunities for us! Aubrey has classes on Tuesday at the library that we enjoy together and with a friend, she has play dates on wednesday with my mom, and on thursday she attends a "preschool" class while I attend a bible study. The week is full, but the time has become so precious to me. I can not thank the Lord enough for providing us with the opportunity to grow and learn together!

A Day At The Park...

We went with some friends to an Aurora park last week and as usual, Aubrey had a BLAST!! The weather has been getting cooler lately and we have been doing our best to get outside as much as possible before being shut in for the winter.

Aubrey on the zip line....
Aubrey oves parks... but adores any park that has a tunnel!! She crawled through this one a few hundred times before we left.

Daddy and Aubrey playing on the Pirate Ship!
We also stopped by a small zoo in Aurora and Aubrey got along well with their turkey!! He showed off all of his feathers while she talked to him.