Thursday, February 3, 2011


I can not believe it really happened!!! We had a winter storm when they said we would!
School has been canceled... Evan couldn't go tot work... and Aubrey was wanting to go out!
We ventured out to see it all and to try sledding.... we ended up back inside moments later and bunkered down on the couch....
Aubrey was being very brave and the moment she walked out she fell and well you can tell what her thoughts were about the winter storm from this picture...
The following pictures are from various parts of our home...
We had snow drifts up to 4ft in the front and and over a foot in the back by our garage... It was incredible to see it all, but truly beautiful to see the power!
Aubrey was very interested in the snow blowers that came by to n bury our sidewalk.
We watched the help we got from her window for a while...

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